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Kai's World is About to Be Rocked

Really though, both of our worlds will be rocked. Read more below...

The good news is, it's going to be temporary.

On November 27th, Kai was diagnosed with Mast Cell Tumor Cancer.

It's a small one...thank goodness...and I'd like to keep it that way!

Immediately my DOG Mom AF title kicked into high gear!

With my own struggles with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Gut Issues, Chronic Toxicity, and Fibromyalgia I've had quite the holistic & health journey. I've gained the knowledge, mindset, and strength to take these types of life challenges head on without panic. Hey - the universe teaches us things when we need them so taking this in with a sense of gratitude.

First step was nutrition therapy for Kai.

I found a great amount of reliable information on the Keto diet for canines like Ketopet Sanctuary and Dr. Harvey's website. I've also joined a few online support groups. I'm lucky that I had an established relationship with an integrative Vet hospital, so I'm confident we are on the same page. I trust he is in good hands for Wednesday's surgery.

Recovery might be long...6 weeks. As a real retriever would be Kai's drive for fetching is incredible. He will probably hate not being able to play frisbee and dock dive.

The grandparents have really shown their support even by making him a "surgery" shirt and taking on daycare shifts. Thank you!

After some real thought, I refuse to believe dogs are supposed to die so early in life. We are even to have increased life expectancy. It's really obvious to me it has to do with our environment + genes... which means food, lifestyle, stress, and exposure to toxins that play a key role in how fast we age.

If there's one world to describe me, it's OPTISMITC. I'm rolling with this word and embodying it's meaning. Sending lots of love and light to you and yours.

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